About Level 3

~ Level Three Teacher Training ~

Level 3 Mela

“In Level Three, one becomes a teacher – a teacher of truth and spirit. You develop the ability to penetrate and communicate through your presence alone and uplift the students through your subtle body. This is the teacher of the Aquarian Age, the Aquarian Teacher. Students experience the truth within them through your intention, projection, and purity.” – Yogi Bhajan, 1996

In this third and final level that Yogi Bhajan gave, we refine our authentic identity as a Teacher and deepen our unique relationship to the Sacred. The KRI Level Three program is a personal journey to self-realization. It completes the Aquarian Teacher Training by cultivating our true identity as teachers through meditative experience, spiritual maturity and serving others.

The foundational elements of Level Three take place over 1,000 days. In this time, one commits to developing a deep meditative practice through personal and group meditation, meeting regularly with their peer group to give and receive support, and creating a Seva Legacy project comprised of their life’s passion and service. Additionally, one commits to attending the Mela, a gathering for Level Three participants to be and share together in person. All of which contributes to one’s development as a Teacher.

The program focuses on the three qualities of a Spiritual Teacher: Spiritual Maturity, Meditative Mind and Seva. These qualities are intended to be cultivated and interwoven in all three levels of teacher training. However, it is in Level Three that we experience their integration.

The Three Qualities

1. Spiritual Maturity

The goal of Spiritual Maturity is to develop an authentic and fully integrated presence as Teacher, achieved through self-reflection, spiritual lifestyle practices and peer dialogue support.

2. Meditative Mind

The goal of Meditative Mind is to cultivate and refine one’s meditative mind, as achieved through focused application of specific Kundalini Yoga and Meditation practices.

3. Seva

The goal of Seva is to deepen an ongoing attitude of Seva, or Selfless Service. To align individual passion, purpose and destiny to build and serve community.

To read detailed description of the three pilars of the Level Three program please click below.

Information available in PDF form Here

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