Kundalini Yoga with Sunderta

Sunderta’s Space – Programs This Week

Public Classes Dec 4 to 8
Saturday Moon Cycle – 11th Day
Sunday Sadhana  5am

This week in Studio we are paying attention to our Body and energy in our lower centers – the lower chakras or what we call the energetic Lower Triangle. This relates to our physical body and those lower organs.. the colon, stomach, bladder, kidneys.. also to our emotional Self and our sense of identity, self acceptance, desires, creativity and Will.
Remember everything in Life is Connected and no one part of us stands alone..  😉

Hope to see you in Studio – and wherever you may be.. remember to breathe!  One simple conscious long deep breath can work miracles!  Let life serve you!

Peace Love Light

Public Classes Dec 4 to 8
WED 10 am    THUR 6 pm    SAT 10 am   SUN 4 pm
Advance Booking
* Each class offers a different experience of the Lower Chakras and lower body
Saturday Dec 7 is the 11th Day of the Moon Cycle
A great day to pay attention to eat, drink, live more lightly, more pure, more ‘sattvic’.
Give your system a break.. time to rejuvenate. This can be subtle by drinking more lime or lemon water, eating more greens or alkalizing foods, or practicing more breath awareness and positive thinking..
Join us for SATURDAY MORNING 10 am Yoga
And every Sunday we gather before dawn for Sadhana – early morning yoga and meditation. The days are getting shorter and you can feel more stillness as we approach year end. Those ambrosial hours are a most peaceful time to connect deep within. Set your intention – Set your day!



Kundalini Yoga Thailand | Kundalini Yoga Thailand