The Evergreen Man – Workshop with Tien

Welcome to my
Kundalini Yoga Workshop for Men only

No – it won’t turn you into an eternal Hulk.
It simply makes you strong, vital, focused and compassionate – for self and others – so you can face everyday’s life challenges with calmness, dignity, and clarity.
I’ ll look forward to welcoming you to my classes.
Open to all men of all age groups, regular practitioners as well as newcomers to KY.

‘The Aquarian Man’
Humanity has entered a new epoch called Aquarian since 2012.
The Aquarian man is a man who is strong, kind, open-hearted, conscious of his word, and committed to his higher self.
We had never before been given a vision of what it means to be a man of higher consciousness—respectful, gracious, self-contained, sensitive, wise, aware, and potent.

In the first class we will learn about
* Balance: brain, body’s limbs; posture, nerves.
That balance lies within total stillness and total movement.
* Circulatory system: blood chemistry, Healthy Liver
* Power of the Breath for potency
* Deep Relaxation for De-Stress
Love is Love Meditation

Please encourage men around you to join
The Evergreen Man KY Workshop this
Saturday 24 Sept
09.00-12.00 at the
EARTHLING CAFE Park Avenue Ekkamai
Thank you! SRVP with Earthling
08 9518 7464

Kundalini Yoga Thailand | Kundalini Yoga Thailand